Contact PatioHQ

We are here to help. Our experts are ready to assist you with everything from product questions and layout ideas to delivery information.

The fastest way to reach us is by using our online support desk. 

Product Questions: 24 Hour Ticket Support Desk: Click Here

Customers: Call 888-450-4960
Please provide your order number if leaving a message.

Email: info @

CUSTOM CUSHIONS NOTE: If your inquiring about custom cushions, then please be sure to email us a picture and the dimensions in the support ticket.

We are online only, but can accommodate a visit to the warehouse, contact us for more information and to make an appointment.


Quick FAQ

What’s the status of my order? When will my order ship? When will I receive my order?

  • Check the Order Confirmation email that was sent to you when you placed your order. There’s an estimated shipping date.
  • Check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see it.
  • When the order ships, a delivery tracking number will be emailed to you.
  • From there, it can take 5-6 days for the carrier to deliver to you.

Do you have a showroom?

No we don’t, we are an ecommerce dealer for a very large supplier/manufacturer. Our pricing should be less expensive than a Brick and Mortar dealer due to lower overhead.